To protect a vehicle from being stolen most manufacturers have adopted a system whereby the electronics are locked and preventing the engine to start, until the immobilizer system is unlocked with the corresponding chip key. They have programmed the ECU, ECM or dashboard if it’s an Aprilia or Ducati motorcycle, with the same key code.

The transponder is often build into the ring of the motorcycle ignition switch. This ring contains a receiver that reads the chip in the key and communicates with the ECM, ECU or dashboard.

If you have one working key, we can provide you with more immobilizer keys. You can get the keys from your dealer or from us. Even if you’ve lost all your keys it is possible for us to program new keys and make them work.

Depending on the brand you’ll need to send us your ECU/immobilizer ring or dashboard and we will program the new chip keys so they can be used to start the engine. Everything will work as it originally did, including the immobilizer and the light on your dashboard. This can be a great cost saving as you don’t need to buy an expensive new ECU/ECM or new dashboard anymore.

Here is a list of what you’ll need to send us:
– ECM/ECU of your motorcycle (immobilizer ring for Yamaha, dashboard for Ducati/Aprilia motorcycles) and
– Proof of ownership such as a copy of the original purchase papers of your vehicle or copy of registration papers and
– Copy of driver licence

If you also want us to help you with key cutting we require:
– Ignition switch/barrel or
– Key that fits the ignition switch
This service is charged separately as it depends on the type of key.

Please note that all our keys are aftermarket.